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Notifications setup

The Flutter News Toolkit comes with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) set up, but you can also configure your application with OneSignal for push notifications.

For information on using FCM or OneSignal in your app, refer to the Push notifications documentation section.


Notifications only appear when your app is running on a physical device.


Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably send messages at no cost. A newly-generated Flutter News Toolkit application comes with Firebase Cloud Messaging already installed. To customize app messaging, you must first create a Firebase project and register your app flavors for iOS and Android within the Firebase project.

Next, specify your Firebase configuration for iOS and Android. Download the google-services.json file from Firebase for each of your flavors and replace the project's placeholder google-services.json files with your newly downloaded versions. Repeat this process with the GoogleService-Info.plist file to specify a Firebase configuration for your iOS flavors.


OneSignal is a free notification service for your app that you can use instead of FCM. To use OneSignal as a notification solution, create a OneSignal account and note your OneSignal app ID. Then follow the OneSignal SDK setup instructions.