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Firebase setup

You must specify Firebase configuration information for your app flavors and platforms. Please use the following instructions to create your own Firebase projects and configure your apps.


Although the Flutter News Toolkit is pre-configured to work with Firebase, you're welcome to customize your codebase to leverage other services in your project.

We recommend that you define at least two application environments (also known as flavors): development and production. Each environment defines a different configuration of deep links, ads, and authentication, along with a different entry point to the application (such as main_development.dart).

By default, your codebase should support a production and development flavor. However, you might have created additional flavors when generating your project from mason.

Before you can run your generated app, you must configure Firebase.


The flutterfire-cli doesn't yet support multiple flavors.

Since your project supports multiple flavors, you must manually configure Firebase.

Go to the Firebase Console, sign in with your Google account, and create a separate Firebase project for each flavor that your project supports (such as development and production).

In each Firebase project, create an Android and iOS app with the corresponding application IDs. Make sure that the application ID includes the correct suffix (such as "dev" for the development flavor).

Download the Google Services file for each app from the Project Settings page in the Firebase Console. Then, go to the source code of your generated app and look for the following TODOs for each flavor:


// Replace with google-services.json from the Firebase Console //


<!-- Replace with GoogleService-Info.plist from the Firebase Console -->

Replace this message (for every flavor of the app) with the contents of the google-services.json and GoogleServiceInfo.plist files that you just downloaded from the Firebase Console.

Lastly, for iOS only, you must open ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj and replace the following placeholder with the corresponding reversed_client_id from the GoogleServiceInfo.plist file:


When searching for this placeholder, the number of results depend on the number of flavors configured for your project. For each configured flavor, there are two configuration sections (debug and release).

For example, if you set up development and production as your project's flavors, you will find the following configuration sections:

  • Debug-development (build development flavor in debug mode)
  • Release-development (build development flavor in release mode)
  • Debug-production (build production flavor in debug mode)
  • Release-production (build production flavor in release mode)

Your ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj should have the following format:

/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */

# Release-production
0CMNTMSTYJKWAP508TXPJJN5 /* Release-production */ = {
buildSettings = {
name = "Release-production";

# Debug-development
1ON144SZQH163C0TE8AP2QLM /* Debug-development */ = {
buildSettings = {
name = "Debug-development";

# Release-development
53ZSJWL4HHR1DK5C45O2YEZ5 /* Release-development */ = {
buildSettings = {
name = "Release-development";

# Debug-production
HLDEZL79XQNUTPT4UM4UEEL7 /* Debug-production */ = {
buildSettings = {
name = "Debug-production";

/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */

If your GoogleServiceInfo.plist for the development flavor looks like:

<plist version="1.0">

then in ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj you must replace the reversed_client_id inside the Debug-development and Release-development configuration sections.

This process must also be repeated with the GoogleServiceInfo.plist of the other existing flavors on your app (such as production), inside the respective configuration sections of the project.pbxproj file.