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Upgrading your project

If you have generated a project using an older version of the Flutter News Template, you can upgrade your project to take advantage of any fixes and improvements.


It's recommended that you use a version control tool like git and that you have committed all changes before trying to upgrade. Please make sure you have a backup of your project before proceeding so that you can revert the changes if you encounter any issues during the upgrade process.

Upgrade the template

In order to upgrade an existing project, you must first upgrade to the latest available version of the flutter_news_template.


You can check the local version of the flutter_news_template by running mason list --global

mason list --global
└── flutter_news_template 1.0.0 ->

If you have an outdated version installed, upgrade by running mason upgrade --global


Running mason upgrade --global will also upgrade other globally installed templates. If you wish to avoid this, you can re-install just the flutter_news_template via:

# Uninstall the current version of the flutter_news_template
mason remove -g flutter_news_template

# Install the latest available version of the flutter_news_template
mason add -g flutter_news_template

Regenerate the project

Once you have upgraded to a newer version of the flutter_news_template, you can update an existing project by re-running the mason make command:

mason make flutter_news_template

It's important to provide the same values as you originally did when mason prompts for things like the application name, bundle identifier, code owners, and flavors.


It may be helpful to maintain a configuration file which contains the configuration used to generate the project:

"app_name": "Daily Globe",
"reverse_domain": "com.globe.daily",
"code_owners": "@user1 @user2",
"flavors": ["development", "integration", "staging", "production"]

This way you can pass the same configuration to mason every time:

mason make flutter_news_template -c ./path/to/config.json

At this point, mason will generate any new files which didn't exist in previous versions of the template. A conflict can occur when mason attempts to generate a file which already exists and the contents of the existing file differ from the contents of the generated file. By default, mason will prompt you for each file conflict and ask you how you would like to resolve the conflict. Refer to the mason documentation for more information about file conflict resolution and specifying a conflict resolution strategy.

Once you have resolved any conflicts, your project has been successfully upgraded 🎉.