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Push notifications

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

This template comes with Firebase Cloud Messaging pre-configured. If you prefer to use OneSignal instead, use the instructions in the last section of this page.

Out of the box, the application subscribes to topics corresponding to supported news categories, such as health, science, sports, food, and so on.

Triggering a notification 📬

Trigger a notification using the Firebase Cloud Messaging REST API:

  • First, generate a (required) access token in the Google OAuth 2.0 Playground.

  • Select the scope under Firebase Cloud Messaging API v1 and click Authorize APIs.

  • Then, sign in with the Google Account that has access to the respective Firebase project and click Exchange authorization code for tokens.

  • Use the following cURL syntax to send a message to a topic:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"message": {
"topic" : "<TOPIC-NAME>",
"notification": {
"body": "This is a Firebase Cloud Messaging Topic Test Message!",
"title": "Test Notification"
}'<PROJECT-ID>/messages:send HTTP/1.1

In the previous example, replace <ACCESS_TOKEN> with the access token generated from the Google OAuth 2.0 Playground, <TOPIC-NAME> with the desired topic name, and <PROJECT-ID> with the corresponding Firebase project ID.


Ensure that you're running the application on a physical device in order to receive FCM messages.


Follow OneSignal's guide for setting up the OneSignal Flutter SDK. Make sure to:

  • Ensure all requirements for integration listed in the OneSignal documentation are met.
  • Add the OneSignal Flutter SDK dependency.
  • Add an iOS service extension in Xcode.
  • Enable push capability in Xcode.
  • Setup OneSignal for Android in the codebase.
  • Initialize OneSignal in the notifications client package.
  • Replace FCM references in the codebase with the corresponding OneSignal infrastructure:
    • In lib/main/bootstap/bootstrap.dart replace FirebaseMessaging with OneSignal and the FireBaseMessaging.instance with a OneSignal.shared instance.
    • In the main.dart file for each of your flavors, assign notificationsClient to an instance of OneSignalNotificationsClient.
  • Run the app and send test notifications through OneSignal.
    • Note: iOS push notifications only work if tested on a physical device.